DUCK! HAT! – an easy craft

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Ramona is going through the obsessed-with-ducks stage. Every morning she wakes up and yells DUCK! as she points to the goose sitting on our wall. Then follows what has become a bit of a morning routine. She grabs my phone and yells DUCK into it, letting me know what she wants.   I then click the voice command button and say “google DUCK ” in the hope my phone will do just that. It always manages to open google but will always search Jack, black or that. We have tried every accent in the book but we can’t get this phone to cooperate.

Yesterday in an attempt to defy it I tried “google GOOSE”- surely it could manage that? There are not too many words that sound like goose? Well, apparently my Android phone didn’t hear GOOSE. It heard PENIS.

Filthy phone.

So, Ramona is all about the ducks. She is also all about hats. It is quite rare for her to be without one, either one of her own woolies, a trendy tilby, or a bike helmet. Sometimes my knickers from the laundry hanger will suffice.

So, in an outpouring of motherly love, yesterday I decided to whip her up a duck hat.

There were lots of existing hats to browse (and pin!) but I chose this tutorial to inform my basic structure. However while I chose to build it with card I then covered it in fabric. I had a lovely vintage curtain which seemed kind of feather like, and then I use off cuts of felted jumpers for the other bits. I machine sewed it together as I felt that would make it quite a bit more robust.

As you can imagine, she adores it. If she finds a mirror while shes wearing it she could happily sit there for several minutes quietly mumbling “duck” over and over.

I’m am linking up with the #pinaddicts challenge again this month. Don’t they roll round quickly? You should definitely go and get some inspiration – this month Louise from Sew Scrumptious is hosting.

20 responses »

  1. Ha this is brilliant! Boy2 is a big hat fan, police, builder, pirate…and he often accessorises with my sunglasses and a sword.

  2. Ha ha this is fantastic!! I love how she looks in it. And your girl has the most amazing name, have you read the Ramona books?
    I now expect to see a menagerie of animal hats on your blog for all occasions!
    Right, I’m off to write up my #pinaddicts post x x

  3. That’s so cute! Your little one looks made up.
    Also struggling why your phone mistook goose for penis!! Technology eh!

  4. Love that!The boy would so love one!!

  5. Genius! Love it. She looks amazing. Thanks for linking up! x

  6. I always go for the picture first….and what a great hat – that made me smile!

    ….but then I read your post!!!……GOOSE!

    You actually made me laugh out loud (it doesn’t happen often!)

    But anyway, FANTASTIC hat!

    N x

  7. I think you should post a pic of the duck hair (?) you didn’t use and then everyone has a quick tutorial for boy doll trousers. A perfect 2in1 craft.

    • Feathers Jo, spiky feather head bit some ducks have yeah?

      So my initial head feathers didn’t work and yes they did look a teeny bit like a pair of doll trousers with a willy warmer. But only my sister with a mind as rude as my phone’s would initially spot that!

      Ba ha ha aa


  8. littleflowerbaby

    What a great hat! My daughter’s about the same age and also totally into hats (but not ducks!). Yesterday I caught her with a shoe balanced on the head and when I asked her what she was doing, she told me she was wearing a hat… maybe ! need to make her an animal one too!

  9. oh that is a brilliant hat!! she must totally love it! LOVE that smutty phone… pffffttt!!

  10. Pingback: Vintage handmade cards – cowboys, swallows and deers « Lulastic and the Hippyshake

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