Shake your yoghurt maker

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So how good for you is yoghurt? Like, WELL good. Amazing protein, jam packed with gut protecting bacteria and also, umm, I dunno, other good stuff I suspect. Calcium and things.

And it is incredibly delicious – my little lass Ramona puts nutritious yoghurt away like the Hungry Caterpillar getting through the treats page. (She is OBSESSED with the treats page – you know;  ice cream, chocolate cake, lollipop, cherry pie. She doesn’t want to read the rest of it. We just stare at the treats and when I have finished reading the list of yummy morsels out she implores “More?”  and I read it over and over and over again. Really, what’s so important about the transforming into a butterfly bit anyway? Back to the treats, mummy!)

But, for real, HOW EXPENSIVE is yoghurt? Especially if you get the organic, live, probiotic stuff.

So imagine my delight when, for 50p I discovered THIS at a jumble sale:

Why is a seventies curling set gonna help with my yoghurt conundrum I hear you ask?! I can understand your confusion. Let me explain.

It is actually a yoghurt maker.

It is a retro Bel electric yoghurt machine, minus a plug. We popped one of those on the end and got straight to work experimenting with the best home-made yoghurt recipe. It is incredibly simple and basically just involves making yoghurt from yoghurt. (You couldn’t make it up.)

I’ll give you the recipe we use, because you might come across one of these bad boys at a car booty (these were ALL the rage in the seventies) or Ebay. You might also try one of the many other options like wrapping some jars in a tea towel and leaving in the hot water cupboard/ making it in a thermos. Have a look here for more detail on yoghurt-maker-less yoghurt-making.

We have six cups in our machine so fill each one with the amount below. The whole batch comes to 50p – about a quarter of the shop bought cost.

To make one cup of yoghurt

  • A cup of  organic UHT milk (or milk heated to exactly 47 degrees – it has to be perfectly sterile.  We find UHT is the same cost and without the faff.)
  • A teaspoon of milk powder (this makes it thick and creamy)
  • A teaspoon of existing fresh, probiotic yoghurt (so we save a bit from the last batch to make the new batch)

Firstly, make sure you use super clean utensils as a bit of dirt can stop the good bacteria getting it’s action on.

Mix the milk powder thoroughly in with the milk, then stir in the yoghurt.

Plug it in over night (or set it up in a constantly warm place) – 12 hours seems to get the thickest result.

Put in the fridge for a little while, and then you get cold, seriously creamy, majorly cheap, incredibly healthy pro-biotic yoghurt!

You can eat it plain but we tend to get a bit naughty and stir in a teaspoon of lemon curd. Heck to the Yes.

Don’t you just want to slurp that right up?

The wonder that is Miss Lizzie B, host of Magpie Monday has flown the nest to a stunning resort in Portugal, where she is bathing in glorious pools and frolicking in the sunshine. *no really, not in THE LEAST jealous*

So I am STOKED to be having the Magpie Mondays over here at my place today. WOOT.

Just click this little guy to see and add the links:

Thanks for linking up or even just visiting. *Pops the lid from a jar of lemon curd yoghurt* *Offers round spoons*

23 responses »

  1. Ooooh yummy! Good spotting to find such a treasure, for 50p… and now you can make your own fresh and healthy yoghurt. Enjoy, and lemon curd isn’t that bad for you 😉

  2. I’m going to have to try this. Apparently I can make it and use the aga to keep it warm, don’t even need the yogurt maker thingy!

  3. Gosh that looks just like one my friend’s mum used to have. I was always intrigued by it. Real live yogurt was hard to come by in the 70s unless you made it yourself. Hope you have lots of fun with it! 😉

    • I was thinking about why there was such a huge amount of yoghurt makers in the seventies and I guessed it was about a general lack of good probiotic stuff. x

  4. Oh wow, this takes me right back! My Mum had one exactly the same! What a find! x

  5. Pingback: Magpie Monday – little black dress « minibreak mummy

  6. Yoghurt from yoghurt – genius! Can you now please explain potatoes from seed potatoes for the benefit of my 7 year old? He wanted to know if you could just plant regular spuds and I said no, but am a bit hazy on the details… But yay to cheap yoghurt, I spend a king’s ransom on the stuff!

    • Spuds eh. *confesses* I haven’t even tried planting spuds. I always thought seed spuds were just spuds that had started sprouting in the cupboard….

  7. Thanks so much for hosting for my while I’m erm busy ;0)

    I had one of these that I also picked up second hand – I think it was a couple of quid in the charity shop. Also somewhere along the line we’ve lost it – how I wonder?

    Now we have an easy-yo maker. It’s not the same because you don’t have a live culture to grow on from and you have to buy expensive packet mixes.

    • An Easiyo machine would be perfect for this recipe too! Those Easiyo packets are a bit of a have, only slightly cheaper than a tub of the stuff.

      • No, way more expensive using the packets! I got given my Nana’s old easiyo yoghurt flask and started with a live culture to make my own, using 140g straight milk powder & water though (double amount on tin), ended up being so runny on the third batch I would start again with a new culture (shop bought natural yoghurt), try a bit more milk powder the next time… First two batches sooooo creamy and yummy, third one thin 😦 Might have to try the UHT.

      • i also have an easi yo flask and have tried to make it from the live culture and cooled, boiled milk, but it never turned out as thick as i’d like it 😦

      • The milk powder makes a massive difference. We tried in an Easyo before, I think it needs to stay warm for longer- in the airing cupboard maybe?

  8. What do you reckon to making frozen yoghurt? Would you have to stir every 15 mins or something or is it impossible to make at home?

    • Hey Ranzi.
      Yup, ours probably thins a bit more as it goes on. We add more yoghurt to the fourth lot, to help it along.
      I make frozen yoghurt bars for Ramona (post coming soon, I created an invention) but don;t bother with stirring, although to be honest they are pretty mingin. HAHA. Just fruit and yoghurt. But she luuurves em.

  9. My memories of my mum’s homemade yogurt are not good ! but didn’t put me off getting a yogurt maker. I bought a basic one from Lakeland (not Easiyo) Use it a lot and the method sounds the same as yours. Love it with honey 🙂

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  11. Pingback: Eats A Treat – Home made yoghurty goodness | The High Tea Cast

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